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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Religious Right Pussies

A snipet from a recent press release from the Alliance Defense Fund regarding the NJ Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage:

“Legally, marriage is the state’s way of protecting children by ensuring that whenever possible they are raised by their own mother and father,” said Lavy. “Because same-sex couples can’t procreate, this vital state interest is not advanced by handing out marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The court declined to address this issue because the attorney general specifically refused to make the argument.”

So you really think you are "protecting children" by denying gays the right to marriage? Do you think the American public is that stupid? Do you really think we can't see through your constant pandering to the gay agenda? We didn't die fighting for our freedom to protect children (or at least Jesus didn't) so that you can give them away to any Tom, Dick and Harry.

Let me set you straight. Ever notice that a lot of gays used to be married and have kids? Ever notice that some states allow gays to be foster parents or even adopt children? Ever notice that lesbians can have children of their own through artificial insemination? Surely you are aware that gays are teaching our children in our schools? Does gay marriage have anything to do with these issues at all? NO! Denying gays the right to marry will not stop gays from raising children in their homes or teaching them in our schools. It's time you got serious about "protecting children" and start focusing on the real gay issues in this country:

  • To protect children, we need to remove all gay teachers from our schools. Next to parents, teachers are the biggest influence on our children. Even if gay teachers don't discuss their sexuality with their students, gay can still be transmitted subliminally.
  • For the sake of the children, we need to keep homosexuals from adopting or even foster-parenting children. Why would we willingly allow gays to raise children? That's like throwing Christians to the lions.
  • For the well-being of children everywhere, we need to either remove children from households with a gay person or remove the gay person from the household. If one parent is gay, give sole custody to the non-gay parent and put a restraining order on the gay parent. If both parents are gay, put the children under the State's protective custody until a suitable heterosexual married coupled can be found. If an older child is gay, emancipate him/her immediately and remove him/her from the household (what teenager doesn't dream of being free from their parents control anyway?).
  • For the benefit of children everywhere, artificial insemination should be limited to married couples who can vouch for their heterosexuality with either a note from their clergyman or video tape evidence.
  • Due to certain recent events in Congress, it is my opinion that we need to make heterosexuality a requirement to hold office or at the least, deny homosexual congressmen Internet access.
To the anti-gay marriage movement, I say "Stand up for your values" and start addressing the real issue. Stopping gay marriage will do nothing to protect children because gay people will still have access to our children. If you really care about our nation's children, then drop the "marriage" from "Stop Gay Marriage" and start putting your mouth where your privates are.


Blogger Vincenzo said...

I dont understand, I'm a bit lost.
Is this your opinion or you're being ironic? it doesn't really fit with what I've been reading here so far...

Sun Oct 29, 08:29:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Bruce said...

Let's just say I am channeling Stephen Colbert.

Sun Oct 29, 01:15:00 PM 2006  
Blogger DuWayne Brayton said...

Bruce -
There are a hell of a lot of lunatics out there that actually believe every point you make here. Not as many as those apposing gay marriage, but still a signifigant minority.

Clicked over from Dispatches. . .

Mon Oct 30, 01:31:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Bruce said...

Duwayne, I would argue that most of the people who oppose gay marriage are actually lunatics. They don't just hate the concept of gay marriage, they hate gays. Underneath the facade of the "Sanctity of Marriage" is the "Hatred of Homosexuals".

By denying homosexuals the right to marriage, they are not protecting children (as my post demonstrates) but rather punishing people (and unfortunately any children they may care for) for being gay. Thus, I am merely trying to expose them for what they really are: homophobic bigots and haters.

"Protecting our Children" and "Sanctity of Marriage" are just code words for hatred, used in polite conversation because "faggot" doesn't play well in the media. These catch-phrases allow so-called moderates to mask their bigotry and appear somewhat tolerant.

No more! I'm giving them an agenda that they can really get behind. I'm tired of people being disingenuous. Stopping gay marriage will do next to nothing to "protect our children" from gays. It is merely a stepping stone to the complete criminalization of homosexuality. I don't think God approves of deception, so I'm trying to help them mend their ways and be honest with us, and most importantly, with themselves. Yes, I'm doing God's work here.

Mon Oct 30, 03:12:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By denying homosexuals the right to marriage, they are not protecting children (as my post demonstrates) but rather punishing people (and unfortunately any children they may care for) for being gay. Thus, I am merely trying to expose them for what they really are: homophobic bigots and haters.

Good evening to whom ever wrote this.

Reading this proves the point that the only cure for a narrow mind is wisdom. Why am i calling you narrow because you are making a stereotype statement about everyone that practices religion, or disagrees with same sex marriage. that we are haters and narrow minded bigots.

First off. Its a free country. If i don't agree with the homosexual agenda that is my choice.

Second. Just because i disagree with it dosn't mean that i am hateful. I have a
lot of friends who practice this lifestyle but i am not hateful

Third. The main purpose of Marriage is for the procreation of life. With two men or two women that is naturaly impossible

Have a nice day

And to leave you with this. If you think you are doing God's work please check yourself because the bible says "Judge not lest you be Judged"

Mon Dec 18, 02:24:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Bruce said...

If i don't agree with the homosexual agenda that is my choice.

Sorry, but using the phrase "homosexual agenda" automatically makes you a narrow-minded bigot.

I have a lot of friends who practice this lifestyle but i am not hateful.

So if you are not hateful of your gay friends, then what are you? It's obvious that your not A-OK with them. Do you pity them? Feel sorry for them? Try to convert them? Do you express your displeasure with their "lifestyle"? What kind of friend are you if you can't be honest with your friends?

The main purpose of Marriage is for the procreation of life.

And this is an argument against gay marriage how???

Your lack of reasoning and honesty is disturbing. Come back when you can actually offer a well thought out argument instead of this garbage.

Mon Dec 18, 02:54:00 PM 2006  

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